Hemant Bhoir

Hemant Bhoir

I am an experienced marketing professional with 5+ years of experience in Industrial/B2B manufacturing marketing. Currently working at Gansons. Along with a full-time role, I share my knowledge and consult B2B and Industrial manufacturing companies in digital marketing. I feel there is a huge gap knowledge gap in terms of how the manufacturing and SME's are carrying out their marketing activities and how they should execute marketing as a revenue generation function. I am also a Founder of Marketology - A consulting agency for Industrial manufacturing companies. With my experience in Industrial marketing and proven record in solving real-time digital marketing challenges with Industrial manufacturing companies. I am here to offer practical solutions to the problems. I have worked with 30+ companies in my short career. I help SMEs and manufacturing companies scale and grow in digital marketing by the following ways: 1. Consulting and Guidance to Owners and high level management 2. One to One mentoring and training of Marketing staff 3. Digital Services Marketology is an Industrial/B2B Manufacturing Marketing Agency that provides a focused service in Content Marketing, Sales Automation, Social Media Marketing, and Performance Marketing.

GA4 Metrics Every Advertiser Should Pay Attention To

As businesses shift to digital marketing in an increasingly competitive industrial sector, leveraging data to optimize campaigns becomes a non-negotiable part of success. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) offers a robust set of metrics that help advertisers make data-driven decisions. However,…

How do you move up in your B2B marketing career?

The LinkedIn B2B Marketing Benchmark has provided valuable insights into the current landscape of B2B marketing careers. For both marketing leaders seeking to expand their teams and individuals eager to embark on new marketing opportunities, the timing is ideal for…

Top 5 B2B digital marketing trends in 2025

85% of success comes from understanding trends. Digital marketing is always changing. Most small and medium-sized B2B companies fail to implement digital marketing strategies effectively. This underscores the pivotal role of staying updated in the business world. As we move…

5 ways to keep your content fresh and relevant

Keeping your content fresh and relevant is essential for engaging your audience and maintaining a competitive edge in the B2B and industrial landscape. I have observed that companies tend only put feature based post calling it as “ Content marketing”…

B2B selling to Gen Z

Gen Z—those born between 1997 and 2012 (give or take a few years)—has grown up in a digital world where technology and social media are integral to daily life. To connect with this generation, companies must adapt their marketing strategies.…

Selling the brand inside first

In this growing digital and information age employees are becoming vocal about their work culture and working habits. You don’t want to end up on the social media platform wherein an employee, a rogue employee or an angry employee is…