Hemant Bhoir

Hemant Bhoir

I am an experienced marketing professional with 5+ years of experience in Industrial/B2B manufacturing marketing. Currently working at Gansons. Along with a full-time role, I share my knowledge and consult B2B and Industrial manufacturing companies in digital marketing. I feel there is a huge gap knowledge gap in terms of how the manufacturing and SME's are carrying out their marketing activities and how they should execute marketing as a revenue generation function. I am also a Founder of Marketology - A consulting agency for Industrial manufacturing companies. With my experience in Industrial marketing and proven record in solving real-time digital marketing challenges with Industrial manufacturing companies. I am here to offer practical solutions to the problems. I have worked with 30+ companies in my short career. I help SMEs and manufacturing companies scale and grow in digital marketing by the following ways: 1. Consulting and Guidance to Owners and high level management 2. One to One mentoring and training of Marketing staff 3. Digital Services Marketology is an Industrial/B2B Manufacturing Marketing Agency that provides a focused service in Content Marketing, Sales Automation, Social Media Marketing, and Performance Marketing.

B2B Sales mistakes to avoid

B2B sales is often complex and slow-moving. However, there’s a straightforward way to gain an advantage: Avoiding common B2B sales mistakes. With my limited experience in B2B and Industrial manufacturing companies, I have observed that due to lack of training…

Techniques for B2B Technical Sales prospecting

Prospecting has shifted from primarily physical to increasingly digital channels. While networking events and conferences remain relevant and yield results, the growing competition demands that salespeople expand their reach to connect with more potential customers. Digital methods offer an effective…