How to convince your Boss or management?

If you are a mid-level marketer and stuck between the expectations and results.

This blog is going to be important for you.

You might be blamed for shortcomings while being powerless to fix them. In this scenario, you need to be taken seriously and show that your opinions has some merit.

As a small and medium company, manufacturing and industrial company you have to overcome the conventional marketing ideology. With AI and digital technologies evolving, the top management still comes with a traditional ideology about digital marketing. The old style and methods are so much engrained within these companies that new knowledge and innovation are often looked down upon.

In This blog, we will discuss about

  • How you can stand out in front of the management
  • Presenting data
  • Growing with confidence

People leaving organizations is often due to “Dissatisfaction with the job.

You are not being heard.
Your ideas are rejected
You are asked to just follow the instructions

For you to get heardor contribute contribute, you need to present a strong case to your company leaders. Below are the steps you need to follow.

Stop talking like a Marketer

This might be hard to hear, but it’s important: marketers have to stop talking like marketers. When we use too much jargon, we lose our audience.

If the people you’re talking to are not in the marketing field day-to-day, they’ll hear a whole lot of acronyms and start to feel like you are “Bluff” and nothing more.

To be understood, use language that everyone understands. Most of the owners and top-level people of these companies are sales-driven with a technical approach. So your marketing jargon are of no use to them.

Keep simple, crisp and clear communication.

Present the data

When you’re talking marketing, data trumps all, so be sure to come with qualitative and quantitative data to support the points you’re making. Instead of saying I think…, say, the data shows…

At the same time, it’s easy for an audience to tune out too many numbers, so be sure the data you use tells a story and is contextualized.

Data presentation is key here. It is very important to put your thoughts in a structured format with a helpful conclusion.

As a Digital Marketer, the ultimate reward lies in the data. It will help your Boss show the impact on the bottom line you have contributed. If you are stuck somewhere, do these:

  • Start creating and presenting weekly reports on marketing influence on pipeline and revenue generation
  • Your KPIs in terms of Data. Eg: SEO activities help reduce the performance marketing budgets
  • Activities that lead to increased website traffic

Make learning easy and collaborative

As an employee, you should be confident about your skills and share the knowledge that you think is essential for the people with whom you are working.

You want to empower your leadership team to learn. There are a lot of ways you can do this:

  • Recommend books for them to read
  • Invite them to a conference, webinar, or AMA session that you’re attending
  • Share a podcast, article, or substack

Shared learning gives you a shared language you can use to talk about your challenges.

Take accountability for the work

Sometimes, marketing teams don’t take accountability for the business. They just act as a “Cost center”. So the people working under marketing are labeled as “Costs to the company” .

If you are not taking the marketing beyond “ We had these _ many leads…”
Your life will become more difficult than a job. So take accountability and work towards thinking from a “Business perspective”

Marketing and sales need to be more closely aligned in b2b or you’re only half as effective. Imagine the power of saying “Our marketing initiatives influenced 75% of all revenue generated this year.”

Experiment and Prove first

The days are gone when future metrics were deciding the marketing budgets. The management wants quick results and at the same time, you need to be heard.

Execute a Pilot project and prove.

Work on something smaller and show results. This will allow you to learn and also put your ideas before the right people. Get noticed first, recognition will eventually come.

This way, you help them see the problem AND the solution.

And you all take a step toward a brighter future together.

Hemant Bhoir
Hemant Bhoir

I am an experienced marketing professional with 5+ years of experience in Industrial/B2B manufacturing marketing. Currently working at Gansons. Along with a full-time role, I share my knowledge and consult B2B and Industrial manufacturing companies in digital marketing.
I feel there is a huge gap knowledge gap in terms of how the manufacturing and SME's are carrying out their marketing activities and how they should execute marketing as a revenue generation function.
I am also a Founder of Marketology - A consulting agency for Industrial manufacturing companies. With my experience in Industrial marketing and proven record in solving real-time digital marketing challenges with Industrial manufacturing companies.
I am here to offer practical solutions to the problems. I have worked with 30+ companies in my short career. I help SMEs and manufacturing companies scale and grow in digital marketing by the following ways:

1. Consulting and Guidance to Owners and high level management
2. One to One mentoring and training of Marketing staff
3. Digital Services

Marketology is an Industrial/B2B Manufacturing Marketing Agency that provides a focused service in Content Marketing, Sales Automation, Social Media Marketing, and Performance Marketing.