How Fivetran India used LinkedIn Dynamic Ad campaign to deliver a whopping 11.3% conversion rate

About Fivetran India

Fivetran was founded in 2013 and is based out of Oakland, California. As the leader in automated data integration, Fivetran delivers ready-to-use connectors that automatically adapt as schemas and APIs change, reliable access to data, and ensuring consistency.  Fivetran is a leader in automated Data Integration.

Finding leads that convert from LinkedIn Ads

To drive leads for its enterprise software solutions, Fivetran developed relevant, downloadable content targeted to high-level IT decision-makers. The challenge was getting high-quality leads to convert from clicks. 

Marketology identified that Whitepaper downloads helped Fivetran India capture leads, but for these, we needed to encourage not just click-throughs to our landing page, but conversions. The approach was to implement  LinkedIn Dynamic Ads campaign for a period of 6 Months with a Budget of 15000 per month. 

Fivetran India were getting clicks on other social media channels, but people were not moving through to convert. There was very less flexibility to change Fivetran’s landing page – so we needed to find another way to attract right leads. So, Marketology tried to get attract leads through LinkedIn.


  • Generate high-quality leads among technology decision-makers
  •  Boost conversion rates


Drive content downloads using Dynamic  Ads personalized with LinkedIn member  profile pictures

A unique ad solution

Marketology used LinkedIn Dynamic Ads that combine members’  profile images with a brand’s name and message. The native ads were visually appealing and eye-catching, since they include a profile picture. We added more ad copy, which helps us better promote our content. The Targeting was also niche, primarily the Technology Heads and Solutions Architect of Tech companies.

Below is the sample image of how LinkedIn dynamic ads look –

Driving results that matter

Demonstrating the importance of tracking ad results beyond the click, the Fivetran Dynamic Ads campaign generated a whopping 11.3 percent conversion rate at a cost per lead that was 68 percent less than other social channels. The conversion rate was achieved over a period of 6 months of campaign execution. 

Quality leads helped to bring better conversions for social campaigns. Marketology identified that LinkedIn’s targeting capabilities ensure that Fivetrans ads get seen by the audience that is most receptive to the message. The results were so exceptional that a major chunk of the Marketing budget was shifted to LinkedIn away from other social channels. 

Sample image of the Case study document which was promoted:


  • 11.3% conversion rate 
  • 68% lower Cost Per Lead (CPL) than other social channels during this campaign
  • 42% increase in Followers of the Fivetran Page. 
  • 78 Unique Leads Generated
Hemant Bhoir
Hemant Bhoir

I am an experienced marketing professional with 5+ years of experience in Industrial/B2B manufacturing marketing. Currently working at Gansons. Along with a full-time role, I share my knowledge and consult B2B and Industrial manufacturing companies in digital marketing.
I feel there is a huge gap knowledge gap in terms of how the manufacturing and SME's are carrying out their marketing activities and how they should execute marketing as a revenue generation function.
I am also a Founder of Marketology - A consulting agency for Industrial manufacturing companies. With my experience in Industrial marketing and proven record in solving real-time digital marketing challenges with Industrial manufacturing companies.
I am here to offer practical solutions to the problems. I have worked with 30+ companies in my short career. I help SMEs and manufacturing companies scale and grow in digital marketing by the following ways:

1. Consulting and Guidance to Owners and high level management
2. One to One mentoring and training of Marketing staff
3. Digital Services

Marketology is an Industrial/B2B Manufacturing Marketing Agency that provides a focused service in Content Marketing, Sales Automation, Social Media Marketing, and Performance Marketing.